Highlander Wiki
Pharaoh's Daughter
Series Highlander: The Series
Season Two
Episode 18
Protagonist Duncan MacLeod
Friends Marcus Constantine

Maurice Lalonde

Enemies Nefertiri

Victor Benedetti

Set In Paris
Flashbacks Ancient Egypt, 30BC
Previous Story Warmonger
Following Story Legacy
Written by Elizabeth Baxter
Directed by Dennis Berry
Produced by Ken Gord
Broadcast On April 25, 1994
Running Time 60 min.
Production Code 93220-42


Duncan interrupts the attempted theft of an Egyptian sarcophagus. Inside, he finds Nefertiri. As Duncan helps her adjust to modern life, they cross paths with another Immortal. Marcus Constantine, whom she resents for his part in the Roman domination of Egypt.


Story Notes[]

There are numerous problems with the story beginning with the fact that a woman trapped in isolation for 2,000 years by well be insane upon release, but even were that not the case, the advances that had taken place without her would likely incapacitate her for a long time as she adjusted to things like automobiles, aircraft, modern cities, such as Paris, the sheer number of people around her, and language...she may well have been fluent in Latin and Egyptian, but she would never have heard French or English, which did not exist at the time she went into her sarcophagus, let alone be able to speak them fluently as shown.

Marcus was considered as a replacement for Darius in MacLeod's life, but he did not catch on as Methos later did.


This episode introduces Maurice.

DVD & Other Releases[]

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