Highlander Wiki
Kagan Milius
Appeared in Highlander: The Watcher
Name Kagan Milius
Aliases The Draugen, Gregos Bartram
Born 1918; Roskilde, Denmark
First Death 1960; Drowned by rival crime syndicate.
Teachers Osta Vazilek
Origin Danish
Watchers Robert Xiang (retired)
Status Deceased; beheaded by unknown Immortal in 1995.
Occupation Drug smuggler, Human trafficker
Portrayed by  Ron Kronig

Leaving behind his homeland of Denmark at a young age, Kagan quickly made a name for himself as an accomplished smuggler in post war Europe. By the age of 40, he was the head of a large syndicate, until one night, he was tied to a large rock and drowned by a rival syndicate.

He revived and rose from the water, killing several of his attackers. After word of his resurrection spread, he became known in the European underworld as "The Draugen", after the mythological Scandinavian water demon.

Osta Vazilek heard the stories, and tracked down Milius, planning to take his head. However, when he learned that Milius did not know the truth of his Immortality, Vazilek felt a challenge would be dishonorable. He told Milius of his true nature, and the rules of The Game, the left him to his own devices.

Milius began headhunting, but without proper training, he could not face seasoned Immortals. He began targeting Immortals with families, killing one member, then holding the survivors hostage, trading their lives for his opponent's head. He was eventually beheaded by an unidentified Immortal, in the course of what was believed to have been one of those plots.

Note: This character is fan-made and therefore, not canon.
