Highlander Wiki
Jason Talbott
Appeared in Highlander: The Series season 2 episode "Unholy Alliance"
Name Jason Talbott
Born 1939, in Rochester, New York
First Death 1969, motorcycle accident while using LSD
Teachers Lisa Madison
Origin American
Watchers Katherine Kamarados
Status Deceased, 1994, beheaded by Xavier St. Cloud
Occupation Corporate attorney
Portrayed by  Roark Critchlow

Jason Talbott suffered his first death in 1969 when he had a motorcycle accident while high on LSD.

Talbott eventually became a lawyer, and in 1994 he worked for Vaught, Fenton & Erlbeck in New York. He was smart, rich, and had the instincts of a shark in his profession.

While Talbott was relatively new into the game, he took it very seriously. On February 7, 1994, he met Xavier St. Cloud in an underground garage. Talbott's mockery of Xavier and his prosthetic hook soon transformed into horror, when St. Cloud ordered mortal assassins gun Talbott down in violation of all their rules, and then, when he was down,  Xavier beheaded him.

Fighting Style[]

Talbott's weapon was a US Cavalry sabre.
