Highlander Wiki

Connor MacLeod (Alternate Dimension)
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Appeared in Highlander
Highlander: The Final Dimension
Aliases The Highlander
Adrian Montague
Jacques Lefebret
Alfred Nicholson
Rupert Wellingford
Russell Nash
Born 1518[1] Glenfinnan, Scotland
First Death 1536[1] (killed by the Kurgan during a feud against Clan Frasier)
Teachers Ramírez[1]


Pupils None
Origin Scottish
Status Alive (Won The Prize and Successfully Defended It)
Occupation Scottish warrior, blacksmith, sailor, captain, antiques dealer
Portrayed by  Christopher Lambert

For the Original Movie counterpart, please see Connor MacLeod

For the TV Series Universe counterpart, please see Connor MacLeod (TV Series)

For the Animated Series counterpart, please see Connor MacLeod (The Animated Series)

Connor MacLeod is an Immortal and a powerful individual, known as "The Highlander." He was taken in by Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez after his First Death in 1536. He eventually won The Prize in The Gathering in 1985 and defended it again in 1994 in Highlander: The Final Dimension.


Note: The biography is a combination of the first and third films, as well as the novelization of the first movie, plus the flashback sequences from the original Highlander 3 script, as well as the prequel comic book.

Early life[]

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Connor preparing for his first battle in 1536.

Connor MacLeod was born in A.D. 1518 in Glenfinnan, Scotland, near the shores of Loch Shiel. He was raised by his father and his mother, Caiolin MacLeod. In 1528, in celebration of Connor's 10th birthday, his cousin Dougal caught a salmon for him that they soon ate.[2] As a prominent member of the clan, he was quickly betrothed and married to a neighboring clanswoman, Katherine.

In 1536, Connor, Dugal and Angus went to the Fraiser's to settle thier diffrences with them. Later while riding back home, the three were ambushed by five of Fraiser's men but the Maleod'd manage to kill some of them leaving a survivor to run away. Returning home, the Macleod prepare for war with the Fraisers.

When the Clan MacLeod went to war against the Fraser Clan he departed eagerly with Dougal, and rode at the side of Angus, the clan chieftain. As the battle began, Connor took the field readily, however he started to feel very strange like he was sensing something at the battle. It was there that he saw lightning in the sky and The Kurgan on top of a hill. Despite his demands, not one Fraser would face the young Highlander. Without warning, The Kurgan rode up directly to Connor, dismounted, and easily dealt a mortal wound to his stomach. As The Kurgan prepared to deliver a beheading stroke, Dougal and Angus rushed in, leaving the young Highlander to pass out on the battlefield.


Connor senses the Kurgan

Connor was brought back to a deathbed by his kinsmen, where a weeping Kate watched over him. When Connor did not die, the townspeople (including his wife and cousin) believed his recovery was the work of witchcraft, and threatened to burn him at the stake. Dougal, especially adamant for Connor’s death, viciously beat his cousin with fists and rocks. Angus, however, decided that Connor should be banished. Swearing never to forget his chieftain, Connor staggered out of Glenfinnan, vowing never to return.

Immortal Beginnings[]

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Connor and Ramirez

Connor wandered the land until he met Heather MacDonald, the daughter of a blacksmith. Under her father, Angus MacDonald's training, Connor learned the art of blacksmith for himself, and he and Heather soon fell in love. In 1539, the two married and that same year Angus passed on.[2] With Angus's death, Connor took over the business, beginning a secluded yet passionate lifestyle with his new bride.


Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez and Connor

In 1541, Connor and Heather received a visitor: Immortal Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez, who told Connor about his Immortality and offered his services as a mentor. Under his guidance, Connor learned discipline, physical conditioning, advanced sword fighting, the way of Immortals, and The Game and its assorted Rules. Ramírez also told Connor more about The Kurgan, admitting that the evil Immortal's interest in Connor was what led Ramírez to seek the Highlander out himself. Ramírez also brought a grim reality to The Highlander’s attention: his marriage to Heather was dangerous and fruitless, as she would be a target for his enemies, and he would most certainly outlive her, and would never be able to provide her children. Despite Ramírez’s warnings, however, Connor elected to stay at Heather's side.

One night, The Kurgan, while Connor was absent, found his home, killed Ramírez, and raped Heather. When Connor returned, he found his tower in ruins from the fight, and his friend and brother dead. He would not learn of Heather's rape, however, until centuries later.

One night, Heather cut a piece of her hair to give to Connor. When he asked why, she said that it was the only part of her that would never grow old.[3] Decades passed and, as Ramirez had warned, Heather grew older and more frail, while Connor retained his original appearance. In 1590, Heather died of old age in her husband's arms, her last request being to light a candle for her every year on her birthday. Heartbroken, he buried her next to Ramirez's grave, using his family claymore as a headstone. Taking his former teacher's katana, as his own, Connor left Scotland to explore the world.

Wanderings in the 16th & 17th Centuries[]

Early into his travels, Connor went to Edinburgh where he learned to read and write.[Source Needed] In 1599, Connor worked as a field hand for a farmer and his daughter Sarah. Sarah showed interest in Connor, but he feared to fall in love again after the pain of seeing Heather die. When the farm was attacked by two brigands, MacLeod was killed and revived, killing the attackers. He quickly left Scotland for England. He later settled in London, where he lived for ten years.[4]

In the late 16th Century, Connor met Immortal Thomas Cavanaugh, a friend of Ramirez. He went to a gathering where Cavanaugh called all local Immortals to Holy Ground to talk about the nature of the Prize, its import, why it should be won by good men, and asks them all to teach what they learn. After this, Connor and Cavanaugh become good friends.[4]In 1601, during his travels to North Africa, he first met Sunda Kastagir and became his best friend. [Source Needed]

Years later, Connor met back up with Cavanaugh. While talking, Cavanaugh told Connor that he should start living, rather than drifting as he had been doing. Listening to the advice, Connor departed England.[4]

Nakano & connor

Nakano & Connor

Some time after meeting Cavanaugh, Connor travelled to Japan to request training from the Immortal Japanese sorcerer Nakano, an acquaintance of Ramírez. Nakano held his residence in a cave of Mount Niri and had gained a reputation as a master of illusion. Nakano trained Connor in the ways of the sword, as well as the power of illusion. One day, Nakano told Connor of the danger of Kane, a powerful Immortal who had taken many heads. Connor's physical training proved useful, however he was not able to complete his illusion training.

In 1605, Kane and his pupils, Khabul Khan and Senghi Khan, found and came into Nakano's cave. Connor attacked Kane, only for Kane to stab him in the stomach. Nakano persuaded Kane to fight him, only for him to lose his head. As Kane took in Nakano's Quickening, the power proved to be too much and the cave began collapsing. Connor managed to escape, but Kane and his pupils were left trapped in the cave, where they stayed four nearly four centuries.

In 1670, Connor graduated from the University of Trinity, having pursued a degree in Latin. In the early 1700s, Connor had wandered into the far East, and indeed, he had beheaded an Immortal there.[3]

Wanderings in the 18th Century[]

Connor soon arrived in America in the 1770s. In 1777, Connor again encountered Sunda Kastagir, with whom he served as part of General Washington's army in Valley Forge during the American Revolutionary War.[2]


Connor is stabbed by Basset in a duel.

In 1783, Connor was in Boston, where he attended a party thrown by Kastagir. During the party, Connor became highly inebriated, and ended up insulting the wife of local businessman Mr. Bassett, who was trying to seduce him. Enraged, Bassett challenged MacLeod to a duel, and easily ran the drunken Connor through. Because the Highlander was so drunk, he forgot to act "dead," and stood back up again. In disbelief, Bassett stabbed MacLeod again and again, until the drunken Highlander, sick of the whole business, apologized for his words and staggered away. Connor swore off any more of Kastagir's alcohol and parties for the rest of his days.

Around this time, Connor met back up with Cavanaugh and took a ship with him to France, where Connor met Isabelle Tourez. However, remembering what Cavanaugh said about falling in love with mortals, MacLeod gave Isabelle a ring to remember him by. Soon afterwards, Connor and Cavanaugh were captured. Cavanaugh was guillotined, and MacLeod was forced to take his Quickening. With the distraction, Connor managed to escape.[4]

Around this time, Connor met back up with Cavanaugh and took a ship with him to France, where Connor met Isabelle Tourez. However, remembering what Cavanaugh said about falling in love with Mortals, Connor gave Isabelle a ring to remember him by. Soon afterwards, Connor and Cavanaugh were captured. Cavanaugh was guillotined and Connor was forced to take his Quickening. With the distraction, Connor managed to escape.

Connor 1794

Connor witnesses the beheading of his friend Pierre

Between 1793 and 1794, Connor lent his support to the French Revolution. He met and fell in love with Lady Sarah Barrington, the English niece of a French noble. Connor was approached by his Immortal friend Pierre Bouchet, who told him his participation in the Revolution was needed and forcing Connor to say goodbye. Connor was later sentenced to die on the guillotine by the king, however, Pierre, having grown tired of his Immortal life, took Connor's place. Sarah had witnessed the event, thinking that it was Connor himself who had died. Sometime later, Sarah eventually married another man and had his children. Watching from afar, Connor saw that she was happy with her new life. Not wanting to spoil it, Connor left, never revealing his survival to her.

In 1796, under his identity of Adrian Montague, Connor purchased the Hudson Street property in New York City. Some year later, he would use it to house Nash Antiques.[2] In 1800, Connor again encountered Kastagir in the West Indies.[2]

Wanderings in the 19th Century[]


Connor on board the H.M.S. Victory.

In 1804, while serving aboard the H.M.S. Victory commanded by Admiral Nelson, Connor faced off against The Kurgan whilst the latter was serving aboard a French vessel. Connor was able to stab The Kurgan fatally. But before MacLeod could behead him, a mainmast fell on Lt. Cavanaugh. Connor was forced to abandon his fight and save Cavanaugh. The ship sank, taking The Kurgan to the sea's bottom, where he revived and claimed MacLeod's katana as his own.[5]

Approximately half a century later, in 1853, Connor commanded a trading vessel, the HMS Rosemary, when the vessel experienced some form of disaster while at sea. MacLeod drifted alone for some time, having revived from death following the deaths of his entire crew. On 3 September of that year, Connor decided to retire the persona of "Captain MacLeod" and begin a new identity elsewhere.[6]

In 1879, Connor was in South Africa, serving in the British Army during the Anglo-Zulu War. Connor was the only survivor of his unit, and was captured by the Zulu King Cetewayo. While in captivity, Connor learned that he was being fattened up for ritual combat. Connor was able to meet back up with Kastagir, who lied to him and told him he would be facing another Immortal. Connor soon fought against the Zulu champion with a spear, which he found to be a disadvantage since he could not behead his opponent. Despite this, Connor was able to match the champion, stab him, and quickly figure out that the champion was not an Immortal. That night, Kastagir helped him escape and showed him the way to the closest British camp.[2]

In 1888, Connor was walking in the Whitechapel District of London when he heard a woman scream. He soon found an Immortal, the elusive Jack the Ripper, trying to kill a prostitute. Connor challenged Jack, which allowed the prostitute to escape. After a quick fight, Connor was able to take Jack's head, putting an end to the Ripper.[4]

Wanderings in the 20th Century and Fatherhood[]


Connor during WW2

In 1943, when World War II broke out in Europe, Connor fought as a partisan in France. Later that year, during a heated skirmish against the Nazis in a local French village, Connor encountered an orphaned little girl, whom he defended from a German officer. In the process, the girl, named Rachel Ellenstein, discovered the secret of Connor's Immortality when MacLeod was shot by an SS officer. He adopted her as his daughter, taking her back to America with him.


Connor finds Rachel.

The Return of Masamune[]


Connor fighting Guerin in Paris.

In 1966, Connor received word from his friend, Ian, who managed to track down a Japanese Masamune sword in an auction in Paris. While in the city, Connor met Immortal Guerin Billuad, and the two agreed to meet that night. MacLeod and Ian then went an antiques shop, where they met mortal woman Elizabeth Direnzo. Connor and Elizabeth quickly got along, and the two went on a date. After returning to his hotel, MacLeod found Ian dead, killed by a sword. Suspecting Guerin, Connor searched for him, and the two fought one another in the streets of Paris. Before Connor could behead Guerin, Elizabeth appeared, telling the two they were at the front of the church of Saint Julien le Pauvre, where the auction was being held.[5] At the auction, Guerin quickly left, while Connor met back up with Kastagir as well as another Immortal named Toshiro Nakayata. MacLeod soon learned that the katana was not for sale because Antonio, Elizabeth's brother, had already sold it to someone else. After spending a night with Elizabeth, Connor went to fight Guerin. The two Immortals duelled in an alleyway near a cinema, Connor having the upper hand. Guerin took refuge in the cinema, but MacLeod was able to pursue him. As the two fought inside, Connor learned that Guerin had not, in fact, killed Ian. Despite this, Connor was able to take Guerin's head and his Quickening. With Guerin dead, Connor soon began to think about who could have actually killed Ian.[7]


Connor fighting Toshiro in Florence.

Connor left Paris with Elizabeth for Italy in order to bury Elizabeth's brother, who had been killed by Toshiro. MacLeod then went to Japan, where he met with his friend, Amika, who told him that the Masamune was now in the hands of Toshiro, who was actually the adopted son of the original smith Masamune. Upon arriving at Toshiro's residence, the two Immortals began fighting. Despite a stab in the shoulder, Connor was able to cut off Toshiro's hand and recover the Masamune.[8] MacLeod returned to Italy to be with Elizabeth, and the two travelled around the country. Two weeks later, Toshiro reappeared, armed with a prosthetic arm with a katana blade attached to it, and challenged Connor. As they fought, Toshiro disarmed the Highlander. Elizabeth then picked up the Masamune to hit Toshiro, only for Toshiro to stab her and kill her. Enraged, Connor was able to behead Toshiro with his own blade-arm. Later, after saying his final respects to Elizabeth and Antonio's graves, Connor left Florence for New York.[9]

The Gathering[]

Conner and Iman Fasil.

Connor and Fasil

In 1985, Connor had returned to New York City, where he was living with Rachel under the guise of Russell Nash, an antiques dealer. One night while attending a wrestling match in Madison Square Garden, Connor sensed an Immortal close by, and left the match. He went to the parking garage, where he encountered Iman Fasil. After some quick pleasantries, the two fought, with each of them hiding in the shadows to attack the other. Despite Fasil temporarily disarming Connor, Connor was able to gain back his sword and slice off Fasil's hand. With no weapon to defend, Connor was able to take Fasil's head and his Quickening.

Conner recives Fasil's quickening

Connor receives Fasil's quickening.

Hearing police arrive to investigate the disturbance, Connor hid his sword in an overhead grating and tried to drive off, only to be arrested. At the station, Connor was questioned on the deaths of Fasil, as well as Immortal Osta Vazilek, who in reality had been killed by The Kurgan several days ago. However, with no evidence to connect him to the killings, Connor was free to go. Returning to Madison Square Garden in order to get the Masamune, Connor saw that forensics expert Brenda Wyatt was looking for the blade. Connor followed her to a bar and tried striking up a conversation. Brenda quickly left, but wanting to know more about him, started following Connor. As Connor walked home, he was attacked by The Kurgan. Without his katana, Connor used a nearby pipe to defend himself. The fight was interrupted when a police helicopter flew by, forcing both men to flee. Brenda went to Nash Antiques to speak with Connor, and MacLeod quickly invited her out on a date. After talking to Rachel, Connor went to Brenda's apartment, and quickly (and amusingly) saw that Brenda was wired. He soon confronted her, showing that he knew of Brenda's profession. It quickly devolved into an argument and Connor left. MacLeod would head to the subway, where he would encounter his good friend Sunda Kastagir again. The next day, Connor met with Kastagir in Central Park, and, putting aside the inevitability of The Gathering aside, the two men went out for a drink. The two men went to a bar, where they encountered Bedsoe, one of the cops that Connor had met at the police station earlier. The three got drunk, as Connor and Kastagir began reminiscing about their past adventures.[10]


"Kastagir is Gone."

Not long afterwards, Kastagir lost his head after being challenged by The Kurgan. Fortunately, a witness to the scene was able to confirm to the police that Connor was not the headhunter. In his yearly remembrance to Heather, MacLeod went to a church and lit a candle. His reflection was disturbed by The Kurgan, who gloated about Kastagir's death, and the fact that The Gathering was almost over. He mocked Connor, told him how Ramírez died, and how he raped Heather, thinking she was Ramírez's woman. Connor, with anger in his heart, soon told him that their next meeting would be their last. At Nash Antiques, Brenda confronted Connor, having learned of Connor's use of aliases. MacLeod told her about his immortality, stabbing himself to prove it. Connor let down his guard, and the two spent that night making love.


Brenda confronts Connor

The following night, The Kurgan kidnapped Brenda, seeing her as a weak point for Connor. Sending in a threat to kill Brenda if he failed to show up, MacLeod was forced to take his challenge. Before leaving, he gave one final goodbye to Rachel, leaving Nash Antiques to his adopted daughter. Connor followed them to the site, where he and The Kurgan faced each other in deadly combat, with Brenda's life at stake. Seemingly wild with excitement, probably because the end of The Game was so close, The Kurgan destroyed everything in his path in a flurry of sparks and flame. Then, without warning, the two warriors crashed through a skylight and landed inside the derelict building. The Kurgan was the first to recover, batting Connor's sword away, and readying his blade for the final strike. Brenda came up from behind, bashing The Kurgan over the head with a pipe. The distraction gave Connor the time needed to recover his sword and gather his composure. MacLeod's calmness, maturity, and skill all proved to be superior to The Kurgan's brute strength and rage.

Conner recives the final quikening after defeating the Krugan.

Connor receives The Kurgan's Quickening.

After one final strike and seemingly endless silence, The Kurgan's head finally fell from his neck. The Highlander was victorious, and he won The Prize. Afterwards, he returned to the loft, where he told Rachel that he was leaving New York with Brenda, and that Russell Nash was dead. This upset Rachel, who could not keep from crying. He wiped a tear from her eye, murmuring that there had been no one in his life but her since WWII, but that now it was time for him to move on. She was fearful of being alone, but he told her she need never be alone, or afraid, and that she had much to offer. Connor made known his hate for good-byes. After saying his goodbye, he teased her by saying, "It's a kind of magic."

He then met up with Brenda at the airport, and the two headed to his native Scotland. They toured Scotland for two months, and then opened an antique shop in Camden Alley. On one occasion, he returned to the Scottish Uplands alone, and stared at the remnants of his home with Heather. There was no croft there, but he found a few stones from the fallen tor, and located the burial place of Ramírez and Heather. He also found two timbers, and used them to fashion a rude cross, telling Heather that she would like Brenda. "She is much like you," he said. He stayed until night fell, comfortable in the company of loved ones and the ghosts of his distant past. The Prize was revealed to be that he could now lead a normal life, for he was now mortal.

NOTE: In the novelization of the first film, the Prize is still not explained, but Connor feels complete for the first time in his life, as opposed to suggesting that he is now mortal, as the film states.

The Prize[]


Connor with Brenda after winning the Prize.

Afterwards, Connor explained to Brenda that The Prize had given him the ability to know what everyone in the world was thinking. He was also now mortal, could have children, grow old, and eventually die. MacLeod could hear Ramírez's voice, telling him he was at one with all living things, and that he should use this power wisely and not lose his head. Connor and Brenda went to Scotland, and they eventually married.

The two later relocate to London where they open an antique store in Camden Alley. On one occasion, Connor goes back to Scotland on business and stops by near the remains of his old home where he buried Ramírez and Heather. He talks to Heather's spirit telling her about Brenda. He then constructs a wooden cross and places it on top of her grave. He then spends the night surrounded by the spirits of his loved ones.

In 1987, while driving in Scotland, Connor and Brenda were involved in a highway accident. Brenda died on the scene, while Connor walked away without a scratch on him. With Brenda's death, Connor was left a widower once more. In 1988, Connor adopted a Moroccan boy named John. They settled in Marrakesh, and thanks to John, Connor was able to be in peace.

The Final Dimension[]

Connor sense the quickening

Connor sensing the Quickening in Marrakech

In 1994, several years after winning "The Prize," Connor had aged a little due to achieving mortality. While riding with John, Connor became aware of Kane's resurgence after sensing the Quickening of Senghis Khan at the hands of Kane himself and as a result became Immortal once again. Knowing the dangers he would soon face, he left John in the hands of his friend, Jack Donovan, and proceeded to New York City once more. Only moments after arriving, Connor was attacked by a barrio street gang, shot, and left for dead. When rushed to a hospital, an irate doctor had him confined in the psyche ward after Connor tried to fight his way off the gurney. With help from a fellow patient, Connor distracted the guards and slipped away. While walking through the halls of the hospital, Connor sensed Kane's other pupil, Khabul Khan, and despite being unarmed, used a trick he learned from Nakano and easily disarmed and beheaded Khabul.

Returning to Nash Antiquities, and going by the name of Russell Nash once more, Connor found himself facing inquiries from NYPD Lt. John Stenn, who was still pursuing "Russell Nash" for his alleged involvement in the beheadings of 1985. While training at a nearby community center and shrine with his friend Charlie, Connor met Dr. Alex Johnson, an archaeologist who excavated Nakano's cave and accidentally unleashed Kane, who also looked exactly like Sarah Barrington. Before much could be said, Kane arrived to challenge him. Despite Connor's warnings about fighting on Holy Ground, Kane attacked. Event though Connor easily fought him off, a final blow shattered the Masamune's blade and, for fighting on Holy Ground, a gust of wind shattered the windows. Kane soon ran away, but not before announcing his intention to kill Connor.

Connor, Highlander 3

Connor back in Scotland to repair his sword

Hoping to repair his sword, Connor returned to his old home in Glencoe where he attempted to forge a new blade using his equipment that had been buried there centuries ago. Despite his best efforts, the materials he had were not up to the task. He was about to give up when Alex arrived with a block of quality steel from Nakano's cave. With the new metal, Connor quickly forged a new blade for the Masamune and trained in the same way that Ramirez had trained with him four-and-a-half centuries ago. Alex learned of Connor's immortality and the two fell in love. Connor soon learned that Kane had tricked John into coming to see him in New York. When he rushed back to NYC to intercept his foster son, he was arrested and taken for questioning by Stenn and his officers.

Kane & Connor

Connor vs Kane

By the time Connor had argued his way out of police headquarters, Kane had kidnapped John and was holding him as a shield. Despite this handicap, Connor accepted Kane's challenge. The two met in a Jersey oil refinery and Connor was forced to fight his way through Kane's illusions. After being stabbed by Connor, Kane was able to take a hold of the Masamune, forcing Connor to fight unarmed. Connor was able to get a hold of the Masamune once more and proceeded to fight Kane one-on-one. The two each held their own, but in the end Connor was able to take Kane's head and received his Quickening, winning the Prize once again. With Alex and John now at his side, Connor could finally be a family man for the first time in his entire life.

Friends and Foes[]

Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez[]

Sean Connery and Christopher lambert in the market scene in Highlander.

Connor and Ramirez

Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez was one of the most legendary and greatest of the Immortals. Born (or reborn) in Egypt as Tak Ne, he suffered his First Death when a runaway cart fell on to him, thus making him Immortal. By 1541, at the age of 2,437 years old, he was living in Spain, working as the Chief Metallurgist to King Charles V under the name of "Ramírez." He sought out Connor MacLeod and took him under his wing, teaching him the Rules of the Immortals. Most importantly, he warned him of The Kurgan, who gave him his First Death, and prepared him for it, believing that Connor would be the one to end his reign of terror. Connor and Ramirez enjoyed a good friendship, rising from father-son to equals. Although their training lasted for a very short time, Ramirez left an indelible impression on the young Highlander: a taste of the theatrical, the wonder of the world beyond Scotland, and most of all, the connection between "all living things." Ramírez asked Connor to leave Heather, to save him from the pain of her inevitable loss from old age. Connor refused to do so. In 1542, while Connor was away hunting, the Kurgan returned. Ramirez, although leaving a permanent scar in Kurgan's neck, lost the fight, and died at the hands of the Kurgan. Connor buried Ramírez next to his home in Glencoe and, after Heather died, he used his own broadsword as Heather's grave marker, and he began using his mentor's katana, a tribute to his old mentor.

Heather MacLeod[]


Connor with his beloved wife Heather

Heather was Connor's second and most beloved wife, who was present at the death of Ramírez, and was raped by the Kurgan, which she never revealed to Connor. There were recurring instances of Heather's depression at Connor's Immortality during her life. Connor remained with Heather until her natural death and was so disillusioned that he abandoned his beloved Scotland and began wandering the world. However, Connor never forgot Heather, and continued to honour her memory until his own death, always lightning a candle to her memory every year on her birthday.


Nakano was an ancient Japanese Immortal and a master of Illusion who lived in a cave beneath the Mountain of Niri in Japan. He became the teacher of Connor and taught him how to use his katana in combat and the Japanese art of sword-making in the 1600s. While working with Connor, they were interrupted by Kane and his henchmen, who had discovered the location of the hidden cave. Nakano realized someone had found him, and sent MacLeod away before Kane breached the cave. Nakano fought them before being beheaded by Kane in 1605. However, his Quickening served to collapse the entire mountain upon Kane and his henchmen.

Sunda Kastagir[]

Sunda Kastagir was an ancient African Immortal who befriended MacLeod in the 1700s. They fought together during the American War of Independence. The last time they meet each other before The Gathering is in 1966 at an antiques auction in Paris, the two play along at not knowing each other because there are several other immortals there. He survived until the tail end of the Gathering, before being defeated by The Kurgan in 1985.

Brenda Wyatt[]

Connor & Brenda

Connor and Brenda

Brenda Wyatt was a forensics expert for the New York police department and the second major love of Connor. After having discovered fragments of metal from Connor's Ivory-Handled Katana, she started pursuing him to uncover more details. Brenda continued her investigation and found that ''Russel Nash'', the alias that Connor had been using, was actually a fake identity. Confronting Connor about her findings, he revealed his true identity to her by stabbing himself and they shared a passionate night together. The following night, she was kidnapped by The Kurgan. She was saved by Connor and watched him received the final Quickening and The Prize. After that, Connor and Brenda left New York, returned to Scotland. Brenda died in a car accident in 1987, after only two years of marriage with Connor and left him alone to raise their adopted son, John MacLeod.

John MacLeod[]

John MacLeod is the adopted son of Connor MacLeod and Brenda Wyatt. In 1994, John was living with his father in Marakesh. Apparently, John knew he was adopted before he could spell. His Mother, Brenda was revealed to have been killed in a car accident three years previously.

Alex Johnson[]


Connor & Alex

Dr. Alex Johnson is a prominent archaeologist and the third major love of Connor. She also bore a striking resemblance to an earlier lover, Sarah Barrington. Alex was placed in charge of a special dig to explore the ruins of a medieval village beneath one of its substations. She was convinced that the legendary Nakano's home was somewhere in the area. Unfortunately, the dig freed the evil Immortal Kane. While investigating, she met Connor. Eventually, she discovered his true identity. She travelled to Connor's old home in Glencoe, and found him there, trying to re-forge his sword, a feat he was able to accomplish when she presented him a block of steel specially prepared by Nakano himself. Connor admitted his identity to Alex, telling her his story, and by the time it was over, the two of them had fallen for each other. After MacLeod defeated Kane, she departed with Connor and his son, ready to begin a new life and family.

The Kurgan[]

The Kurgan was Connor MacLeod's archenemy, and his greatest opponent. After killing his Bedouin mentor, The Kurgan began having visions of his future life, and one of the events depicted in those visions involved a young Connor MacLeod killing him in a bloody struggle. Although the Highlander had not been born yet, The Kurgan's quest for him had lasted for a long time, before eventually meeting him in AD 1536, and triggering his Immortality. By 1985, the both of them had survived to The Gathering, and his desire for the Prize overcame his initial fear of MacLeod. However, after learning that the woman he raped following Ramirez's death was actually Connor's wife, Heather, he went on to kidnap Brenda Wyatt to ensure he had another hold over MacLeod. However, the Highlander was still victorious, and The Kurgan was defeated by him, just as his visions had warned him. During the final Quickening, The Kurgan's life-experience flashed before Connor's eyes, finally learning why was The Kurgan so obsessed with him at that time of his life.

Iman Fasil[]

Iman Fasil was an immortal. Not much is known about their relationship, but they seemed to know each other prior to the gathering. While their fight was brutal, it wasn't anything personal between them.  When Connor disarms him, he faces his eventual beheading with dignity.  However, it was Fasil's death that inadvertently made the NYPD believe, Connor, known to them as Russel Nash, was a serial killer.




Kane was a notoriously evil Immortal who idolized The Kurgan when he was a child and was the student of the sorcerer Nakano. Around 1605, while trying to steal his power by killing him and MacLeod, he found himself trapped in the cave of the Sorcerer for hundreds of years. In 1994, after escaping from his centuries-long imprisonment, he set out to eliminate Connor and take the prize. After taking the head of Nakano, Kane learned the power of Illusion from the ancient master's Quickening, and became able to project images, and also to disguise himself as other people. Kane kidnapped MacLeod's adopted son, John MacLeod, and threatened his girlfriend Alex Johnson, drawing Connor out for a final confrontation. During the battle, Kane successfully employed several techniques of Illusion against MacLeod, but the Highlander ultimately prevailed, beheading Kane and ending his reign of terror forever.

Connor MacLeod in the Game[]

Connor in the game

Connor in the Game

Connor MacLeod is officially the final Immortal and winner of the Prize in the movie continuity. Although the number of Immortals he killed over his life time are unknown. It can be assumed that they may have been fewer:

Behind the scenes[]

Miscellaneous Information[]

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Christopher Lambert's appearance in the pilot was his first and, for years, only American appearance on TV.

  • Michael Douglas, Kurt Russell, Sting, Ed Harris, Sam Shepard, David Kieth, Peter Weller, William Hurt, Mel Gibson and Kevin Costner were all considered for the role of Connor MacLeod. Marc Singer was the original choice for the role of Connor MacLeod, but he turned it down due to other work commitments. Golden Globe winner Mickey Rourke was also offered the role, but he turned it down too.
  • Kurt Russel was originally cast as Conner. But he dropped out at the insistence of his partner Goldie Hawn.
  • Connor MacLeod was originally going to be the main character in Highlander: The Series. However, when Adrian Paul was cast, he asked the producers to create a new character so as not to have any comparison to Lambert and to be able to develop his own characterization. As a result, Duncan MacLeod ("same clan, different vintage") was created.
  • Christopher Lambert reprised his role as Connor MacLeod in the pilot episode, "The Gathering." After that, he did not appear in any other episodes of the series. This was because Lambert did not like to appear on television at the time.
  • Connor was said to have been born in 1518, and to have become Immortal in 1536. This means that Connor was about 18 years old when he became Immortal. However, he looked rather old for a teenager. (Lambert was actually 27 years of age when he was cast in the role.).
  • In the first draft of the original movie, Connor MacLeod was a very different character that the one well known to most fans. In the draft, he was a darker, stoic, cynical man born in Scotland in the year 1403 instead of 1518. He lived with his mother and father. When he became Immortal, he was made an outcast by his clansman which led to Connor leaving his home rather that being banished. Also Connor had been married nine times unlike in the revised version where he was married twice the first time to a woman named Kate who rejected him after he became Immortal and Heather whom he loved with all his heart and whom he considered as his one and only one love. After her death Connor was heartbroken and never married again. Also, Connor's sword in the first draft is a 5th-century Frankish broadsword, rather than the ivory-handled dragon's-head katana that became his trademark sword. (The dragon on Connor's sword has a shorter nose then that on Duncan's.)


  • "I'm Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod."
  • "You look like a woman, you stupid haggis!"
  • "If it came down to us two, would you take my head?"
  • "Whatever you say, Jack. You're the master race."
  • "I have been alive for four and a half centuries, I cannot die."
  • "Love is for poets."
  • "It's a kind of magic!"
  • "I apologize for calling your wife a bloated warthog, and I bid you good day."
  • "How can this be happening? They were all dead and the prize was mine. So who is out there?"
  • "I'll be the judge of that."
