Highlander Wiki
Series Highlander: The Series
Season Four
Episode 10
Protagonist Duncan MacLeod
Friends Methos
Richie Ryan
Enemies Kristin Gilles
Set In Seacouver, Washington
Flashbacks 1659 and 1660 in Normandy
Previous Story The Wrath of Kali
Following Story Timeless
Written by Gregory Widen
Michael O'Mahony
Sacha Reins
Directed by Paolo Barzman
Produced by Ken Gord
Broadcast On November 27, 1995
Running Time 60 min.
Production Code 95410-76


Nearly 350 years ago, Duncan MacLeod was seduced by Kristin Gilles, a beautiful Immortal who taught him to be a gentleman. When he found another love, Kristin refused to let him go, murdering his new love.

Now Kristin is sharing her bed with another new Immortal full of potential: Richie.

Methos, who knows MacLeod has never been able to bring himself to kill Kristin, has come to town to warn him that Kristin is at it again.  MacLeod tries to convince Richie that his new lover is dangerous, but he won't listen. When Kristin proves Duncan right by trying to kill Richie and his foster sister, MacLeod fights Kristin and disarms her, but once again cannot take her head. Methos then challenges Kristin, because some one has to.



Directed by: Paolo Barzman


Richie: This is all nuts! She would have killed me.
Methos: Round two to Kristin. You dump her, and then you turn your back on her?! Talk about the blind leading the visually challenged!
Richie: Thank you.
Duncan: All right. Where is she?
Richie: In her office. You think she's coming after me?
Duncan: No, I think that she's coming after somebody that you care about.


DVD & Other Releases[]


  • Original air date: 3 December 1995
  • Written by: Michael O'Mahoney, Sasha Reins

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