I'm curious: Were you surprised at the end of the episodes "Promises," when Duncan threw Hamad out the window? Anyone else find Kassim annoying, the way he seemed to just expect Duncan to find it easy to kill, no questions asked? Not saying Hamad didn't deserve it, but it isn't supposed to be easy to kill. I don't totally knew why Kassim didn't just kill Hamad himself-who cares if he promised never to lay hands on him, just do it anyway. Did anyone else think the same thing. Also, I think he threw the whole oath thing in Duncan's face way too much, and hated it when Kassim called Ducan a coward. Also, I have a tendency to think HIghlander was one of those shows, where if you knew what the characters were thinking, certain things that seem weird or contradictory, would make more sense if you knew what they were supposed to be thinking at the time.